“Go in peace my daughter. And remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.” Queen Hippolyte

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"When you are Real you don't mind being hurt." -Skin Horse

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Nerd Alert; Meet Hatch

My AWESOME night elf rogue, Hatch. Level 80. Gear score 5266. *nerd translation*: powerful. She's my main and lately I have been running her through Icecrown Citadel, but haven't made it to the Lich King just yet. Anyway, tonight during the run I get my off-hand weapon in a drop. And I was SO SO sosososo excited that it is identical to my main hand weapon! I am now symmetrical and matchy matchy! This post may be my nerdy weakness but I remain totally girly and cool by caring if my armor and weapons match. WHICH THEY DO, SUCKAS!!! I even went to the barber and updated her hairdo so it matches her wicked cool ensemble.

Ah, thank you. *bows slightly*

Isn't she awesome? (imagine a breathy voice)

Since it's Father's Day, I would just like to say I have the best Dad ever. No seriously. EVER. And the best husband too. So tonight in tribute to Father's Day, I made wienerschnitzels. Not to toot my own horn but those snitzels were good. Yummy good. Husband was pleased with me. And when we first started dating I couldn't cook spaghettios. So I've done some serious improving over the last *gasp* 5 MONTHS...almost.

Here's one more look of my matchy matchy rogue, Hatch, cause I know you can't get enough of her! Sometimes I turn on WOW just to admire how bloody sweet she is. *sigh* Gorgeous, GORGEOUS axes.

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