I'm getting married in 10 days! La la la. I'm so flipping excited! I went and got my completed dress today and it looks beautiful! I can't wait. Seriously, the closer it gets to the wedding, the farther away it seems. I can't wait until we are sealed for time and all eternity. Ghent actually gets here in 5 days. And then we have to go get our marriage license, rent a tux and all other kinds of things. So the list gets longer...
So that cool little pill that at first made me feel so womanly, then neurotic and what not, is called Yaz. Now, I am just writing about this as a warning to anyone with pre-existing heart conditions...AVOID YAZ!!! At all costs. No, legit. I used to have really,
REALLY bad heart problems. To the point the Doctor told me I was seconds away from a heart attack, and if I was lucky enough to live through it, I would be hooked up to a heart monitor for the rest of my life.
Scary. Well obviously I got the medical attention I needed at that moment so that heart attack never happened. But it took over 6 months for my heart to make a good recovery. To this day it is not as strong as a 25 year old's heart should be though. Now comes in Yaz. I haven't had chest pains, palpitations or shortness of breath since about 6 months after I got word on my heart...so over 1.5-2 years ago now. Doctor prescribes me Yaz. Two days later massive chest pains all day. Three days later, these chest pains are waking me up at 3 am. It literally felt like my body was shutting down. I mean, such painful chest pressure, my heart was quivering so badly that my actual chest was quivering, my vision was going very far away, I was shaking and could barely breathe. In the past when this happened, I would basically eat as much protein as I possibly could and it would lessen the effects. So this night (2 nights ago) I crawled up the stairs, grabbed OJ and peanut butter and sprawled out on the kitchen floor. I basically downed half a jar of peanut butter for the protein. After laying there a bit, things got better slowly and I fell asleep. But it scared me a lot. I didn't tell anyone because I thought it was nothing. Until it happened yesterday too. Then my Dad tells me Yaz has been linked with heart attacks and other heart problems. WHAT?!? So here I have my already weak heart and Yaz. That is like asking for a heart attack. So today I am quitting those little pills and I'm going to try something different. But fast, cause I am getting married in10 days and I do NOT want a honeymoon baby.
But seriously...only 10 days from now I will be married to the best guy ever.